Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Rare Weekend Off

This weekend I had the opportunity to take both days off (a somewhat rare occurance these days) and as is usually the case I tried to watch a couple of decent movies. I got lucky. Saturday I caught the original '3:10 to Yuma' with Van Heflin and Glen Ford, and Sunday I got to watch 'Rumble in the Bronx' with Jackie Chan. I strongly recommend both. Early on Jackie Chan was a true martial artist and some of the scenes (especially the fight in the appliance store) are inspired. You gotta love a guy who can kick your ass with household appliances.

'3:10 to Yuma', while not the greatest western ever produced is still a solid entry, representative of the genre. Glen Ford as always does an excellent job while remaining true to his stoic self. The same may be said of Van Heflin, one the most unassuming leading men in Hollywood at the time. Together they produce an entertaining product which stands the test of time. I have not seen the remake with Crowe and Bale but I don't see how it could be any better, and from I've read they changed the script significantly which would annoy me more than entertain me.

Today as are most Sundays this time of year is football and beer day. The wife usually leaves me alone and goes shopping so in general life is good. I am looking forward to going back home to South Florida where the tides are high and the grass is green (sorry for the plagiarism Mick) for the month of January. Manhattan is a very dreary place in the winter.

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