Saturday, November 15, 2008

My First Blog

Not having a blog is kind of like not having an iPhone; I can't afford to be that cool. In the case of the blog it is more a scarcity of time than money, however, after having been settled in to my new job for some time now and not having an extremely long commute, I finally have some spare time to muse on random thoughts so here we are.

Today my topic is parental responsibility. Typically I will muse on technology (specifically coding), however, this morning I received a disturbing email from my ex sister-in-law. It seems my youngest nephew was recently involved in a motorcycle accident and it is not clear if he will survive and if he does he will be paralyzed from the neck down.

While it is a well known fact that my youngest nephew is a bit of a hellion it is also my belief that he is this way because of a total breakdown in parental authority on my ex sister-in-laws behalf. The last time I visited with her, her egg sucking hounds refused to get out of my bed regardless of how many times I threw them off. She would not let me put them out of the house so I ended up sleeping with the flea bags. She also allowed both my nephews to have their friends over and spend the night drinking (neither were 18 at the time). When the night's partying was done their friends dove home, even though I tried to make her drive them home. When I told them I would drive them home they refused and DUIed their way back to wherever they came from. The bottom line is a little common sense goes a long way.

I hope my nephew survives and by some miracle recovers enough to lead a happy life but it is not looking good. I realize accidents happen but sometimes as with luck, we make our own accidents, and much like with common sense, a little parental authority goes a long way.

BTW be sure to visit my friend who inspired by blog's name. He can be found on this blog site under the name 'The Secret Life of Bears'

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